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Hi, how do i search for interest only loans?
Hi Jon,
Thanks for your question.
Please see for a comparison of interest-free home loans.
For future reference, you can use the search tool (with the magnifying glass) on the top right-hand corner of this page to search for certain comparisons.
My bank charges 5.98% variable rate , am I in my right to ask for a better rate like other lenders are give. We have a offset account and does that make difference.
Hi Jeff,
thanks for the question.
You’re completely within your rights to ask for a better rate, and starting a comparison of what else is out there in the market already is a great place to start. If you let your lender know that you’re unhappy with your rate and thinking of refinancing, there’s a range of incentives they can offer for you to stay, including cash and decreased rates. It never hurts to ask.
I hope this helps,
If I choose a variable loan am I locked into that loan for a certain amount of time or can I opt out or change my loan whenever I choose???
Hi Megan,
Thanks for your question.
It usually depends on the home loan you’ve committed to. Some lenders could charge a break fee if you leave the loan early and some may not charge this fee when you’ve stayed with the loan for a certain period of time.
You can check these fees by clicking on the ‘fees’ tab on our home loan reviews, and you can check the PDS of the product to see how long you may need to commit to the loan.
Generally variable rate home loans are more flexible than fixed rate home loans in terms of exiting – best of luck!
my home has just been valuaterd at 800000
what is the most i can borrow and best interest rate
Hi Kate,
Thanks for your comment.
Please use the borrowing power calculator to give you an indication. You can then compare our featured home loans that might interest you. Please make sure to read through eligibility requirements together with terms and conditions prior to application.
i want to take combination of fixed and variable home loan for 30 yrs. loan amount over $350000.
what is the maximum period for fixed rate i can opt for in this scheme. i want to split amount in 50 – 50 %.
thanks and regards
Hi Jk,
Thanks for your comment.
After you’ve chosen a loan that you think might be suitable for you, our review will state the maximum period that you can fix or split your interest rate.