💡Tip: If you use a credit card responsibly and pay your balance off each month, getting a credit card while you're studying at TAFE or university can also help you build a good credit history and credit score.
This helps with your chance of approval for car loans, home loans and other types of lending products you might want to get in the future.
Are there any credit cards that temporary graduate visa holders (subclass 485) can apply?
I’m working full-time.
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your inquiry.
At this point in time, only temporary residents, permanent, and citizens are eligible to apply for credit card services. You may like to refer to the following link for debit cards and offers.
Can an international student apply for an ANZ credit card?
Hi Raj,
Thanks for your question.
There are some cards available for temporary residents, but conditions usually apply. You might want to see what options might be available to you.
I hope this has helped.
I’m not at college yet. Can I apply for a student credit card now?
Hi, Danil.
Eligibility requirements for student credit cards are set out on the above page.
Thanks for your question.
I applied for a few cards 8 months ago, and was declined by all, I only moved to Australia a couple of years ago and have limited credit history. My credit report just has inquiry’s on it, more recently I applied for a Virgin card, and I was declined again. I have been in the same job for three years and have enough income. I meet all their standards, is it because I need to have more credit history? I’m from Ireland by the way, if that helps.
Hi Stephen,
Thanks for your question.
Have a look at this article at why credit card applications can get rejected.
Banks and lenders don’t give you a reason why your application was knocked back, which is part of the problem considering too many applications for credit can be a negative signal to a credit issuer. Good credit history is one of the application requirements, so your lack of a credit record may have been one of the reasons you were declined. Things like phone and Internet contracts as well as credit cards and home loans etc. are recorded on your credit file. It could also be that you applied for too many cards in too short of a space of time. If you have multiple inquiry marks on your credit file it can raise red flags to a lender when you enquire about credit again. It might be worth starting a conversation with your lender about obtaining credit in the future.
I hope this helps.
I’m an Indian citizen and have been in Australia for 6 years. I have some credit cards in Australia but currently live in another country and I’m not paying credit cards. What will happen?
Hi Raju.
The default will stay against your name and you will be held liable for the debt if you return to the country.
Thanks for your question.