The Coles No Annual Fee Mastercard gives you a way to earn points on your credit card spending without ever paying an annual fee. Its current introductory offer also gives you a way to pay off existing debts. But remember to factor in the card’s potential costs, including the 20.74% p.a. cash advance rate that applies after the introductory period ends.
Coles No Annual Fee Mastercard
- Balance transfer rate for 9 months with 1.5% balance transfer fee
- 0% p.a.
- Purchase rate
- 20.74% p.a.
- Reward points per $ spent
- 0.5
- Annual fee
- $0 p.a.
Our verdict
Offers $0 annual fee for life and 0% interest on balance transfers for the first 9 months, but there’s a higher interest rate after that.
0% p.a. for the first 9 months on balance transfers
Ongoing $0 annual fee
Earn Flybuys points for your spending
Compatible with Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay
Charges a one-time 1.5% balance transfer fee
A 20.74% p.a. interest rate applies at the end of the balance transfer offer period
Flybuys points earn rate is low at the equivalent of 0.5 points per $1 spent, up to $5,000 in each statement period
3% foreign transaction fee
Product details
Product Name | Coles No Annual Fee Mastercard |
Balance transfer rate p.a. | 0% for 9 months with 1.5% balance transfer fee, then 20.74% |
Balance transfer limit | 80% of available limit |
Purchase rate p.a. | Purchase rate p.a. 20.74% |
Interest-free period | Up to 55 days on purchases |
Cash advance rate p.a. | 20.74% |
Min credit limit | $1,000 |
Card type | Mastercard |
Available to temporary residents | No |
Joint application | No |
Rewards program | Flybuys |
Bonus points | N/A |
Rewards points per $ spent | 0.5 |
Rewards points cap | 10,000 |
Annual fee | Annual fee $0 |
Minimum monthly repayment | 2% of the closing balance or $30, whichever is greater |
Late payment fee | $30 |
Foreign currency conversion fee | Foreign currency conversion fee 3% |
Cash advance fee | 3% or $1.95, whichever is greater |
Overseas cash advance fee | $5 |
Additional cardholder fee | $0 |
Number of additional cardholders | 4 |