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Every month, Finder's experts examine over 250 cards in our database to determine our best credit cards for different categories.
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Weigh up your options when you want to transfer funds from a credit card to a bank account.
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The Apple Pay feature allows you to complete a payment transaction just by tapping your compatible Apple device on a contactless terminal.
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Understand how to read your credit card statement to make timely payments, avoid paying more than you have to and to know how to identify errors on your statement.
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A Mastercard credit card offers you global acceptance, shopping protection and access to exclusive deals.
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Shopping online with your credit card? Here's why you'll need your card's CVV – and where to find it.
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Phishing scams try to trick you into giving away your details – here’s how to spot one in your email inbox.
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Read through this guideline to help protect yourself from any unauthorised transactions from your credit card.
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Compare credit cards that you can link with Samsung Pay to tap and pay with your smartphone.
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